
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Seussical Birthday

It's safe to say that I went overboard for Owen's 1st birthday. I knew I would. It wouldn't be like me to do something simple. Candles. Cake. A few presents. No, that would be too easy. Dating an artist and graphic designer only adds fuel to the fire. We ended up with 2 parties, which I will get to later in this post. Oh and a frisbee golf course, photo booth, DJ, Candy Bar, and free entertainment thanks to the OSU Buckeyes. (Or at least I think so, I hit my wall around 9pm. .that in itself is its own story).

I began researching ideas for parties in January. Thats only natural. Afterall, it was the year he would be turning one. What else should my attention and finances be focused on? Obviously a party that was 8 or 9 months away.

We decided to go with a Dr. Seuss theme. One might think that we picked this theme based off of Owen's peaked interest in Dr. Seuss books, characters or movies. But truth be told, I came up with the idea of having not only a 1st birthday party, but a 1st anniversary of Parenting Party. Afterall, it was just as big of an accomplishment that my little man was turning 1 as it was a celebration that Tim and I had survived that eventful first year of Owen's existence. A 1st anniversary of Parenting party was a way to say thank you to our friends and family who had supported us in all ways relevant -  financially, emotionally.

So we decided: Owen's 1st birthday would be Dr. Seuss and the 1st Anniversary of Parenting Party would be Green Kegs and Hammered. Yes, I know, its not the most responsible parenting move & is more remincint of a college frat party than  a 1st birthday party, but old habits die hard.

Dr. Seuss Birthday Banner. . deliberately with Owen's middle name as a way to remind a family member who often calls my son Owen Patrick. . .It's Owen Parker. Got it?! K, thanks! :)

Table Layout with "Happy Birthday, Baby" book  by Dr. Seuss for guests to sign.

Living Room with View of DIY photo booth. . .

What a great group of friends and family sharing in the event.

The birthday boy & his smash cake.
Sadly, for as much time and money as we invested into this event, I don't have nearly enough pictures, but I guess thats what happens when your the host. Next time, I will re-think putting a photographer into the budget. :)

It just hit me . .

I've just realized. . .Only 6.5 months and this will be me. The Dirty 30. Yikes. Time to re-evaluate the bucket list.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Music Festivals

Warm weather is right around the corner and with that comes the sights and sounds of summer. For me, summer is synonamous with live music, camping and, of course, an adult beverage or two. Prior to the baby, my boyfriend and I would clear out the summer calendar and begin planning concerts and music festivals we were eager to attend. It began in the summer of 2008, when Tim  and I decided to go to as many music festivals and concerts as we could afford. We knew our days of poor choices and college-like behavior were limited and the Grim Reaper of our Youth would eventually find us and bring with him an eternity of responsibilities that go hand-in-hand with being a Grown Up. We succeeded in this quest, and by August, we were tired, broke and hungover from our three month adventure on Shakedown Street.  It was a summer to remember and one that could not be imitated or recreated by any means, no matter how hard we tried.

While I no longer have the luxury of a three month musical vacation, I will still make time to go to shows, and possibly even a music festival or two. . .(baby-sitter permitting, of course.) Why?? Because music soothes the soul. It ignites an energy that can be uplifting, invigorating and refreshing. It comforts and heals. The same can be said of music festivals, if not more so. There is an energy at  festivals that I've yet to experience in any other place in the world.

If you've not been to one, imagine this: What was once an open field is now filling up with tents, RV's, canopies, and a crowd with strikingly similar taste for concert t-shirts that make up a sea of tie dye.  Flags with Grateful Dead Bears and Peace Signs fill the sky, and tapestries adorned  the whimsical swirls and colors of the seventies pop up at a rapid pace, creating a community that is connected by their passion and love for live music. It's a magical place. One that will take you away from the worries of the world and bring you a sense of peace (no pun intended) if only for a short while.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Current Projects

And I'm back. . .With a new look and and a new purpose.

Just the beginning for this creative inspiration. And it's way past due!

New changes will include:
  • New Format
  • New Design
  • New Name (Dare I go that far?!)
We will see. . .It's only the beginning folks! I'm excited to see what lies ahead. 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

All Things Art and Culture.

I created this blog as a means to find some justification for why I spend countless hours working on various art projects that ultimately sit on sit shelves, buried in closets or - event worse - thrown in the trash. In an effort to make this more than a hobby, I created this blog. My goal is that it will also serve other creative junkies as a place where they can showcase, network and educate on all things art and culture.

Creativity can be applied to many industries and in various areas of culture. While I am artistically inclined (mind you, I said inclined - not gifted), there are other areas that I love exploring. Music. Fashion. Interior Design. Photography. I believe that many things have their own art form. The Art of Photography. The Art of Conversation. The Art of Fashion. The possibilities are endless. . .and I hope to touch on them all.